Welcome to the 1st UFO encounter archived in the U.S. as historically true
Tag us on Instagram: @thomreedufopark
Tag us on Instagram: @thomreedufopark
The Thom Reed UFO Park is located on a plot of donated land that was the site of the Reed family's 1969 UFO encounter. Sitting just off of the Housatonic River in the Town of Sheffield, this public park serves as a memorial to preserve and commemorate the unique history that took place there.
The Reed family made history again in 2015 when former Massachusetts governor Charles Baker signed an official citation (shown below) recognizing the Reed family's "off-world incident". This act represented the first official step in UFO disclosure in the United States.
For more information on the Berkshire UFO incident see the Wikipedia article below, as well as the countless news stories, documentaries, and official documents provided throughout this site and the internet in general.
Rita King - (Daughter of BB King)
Netflix's Unsolved Mysteries
Travel Channel's UFO Witness & Paranormal Declassified
The Roswell International UFO Museum & Research Center
Mike Bara | TV's Ancient Aliens
Travis Walton - Fire In The Sky
Ben Hanson - Fact or Faked
ShockWave Motors
WSBS Radio 94.1 FM
Len Morneau
The Roswell Daily Record
Ryan Tiano & Ryan Rose - UFO Park Directors
Beth Wiegand - Roswell Museum
KGRA Radio
Mike Stevens
Steven Bassett
Paradigm Research Group
Gary Holloway
Kathleen Marden - (Betty & Barney Hill Case)
The Family of, Stevie Ray Vaughan: https://mainstreetmag.com/family-of-legendary-musician-sing-support-for-sheffield-park/